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Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a prosperous beekeeping year in 2024! We are sorry our per-orders are hitting the website a little late this season. We want to thank you for your continued support and trust in our beekeeping products. We had some pretty significant life happenings we needed to attend to. All is well now and we are ready to kick of the 2025 beekeeping season! Our Winter hive inspections have shown strong activity which is a pleasant surprise. But, that is without saying winter is no where close to being over yet and we all know what our crazy Colorado weather can hold. Fingers crossed and knock on wood.

Our 2025 per-orders for Colorado and New Mexico PACKAGE PRE-SALES are now open on our website under "Live Bees". We will opening up Nucleus Colonies at a later date in limited quantity as well as new beekeeping experience where you can take the leap from beginning beekeeping to intermediate. More to come on this soon. This decision was not made lightly, but due to the rising cost of woodenware, and related materials, it has become increasingly challenging to offer these colonies at a reasonable price while maintaining the high quality you expect from us. Instead, we are focusing our efforts on top-quality package bees & queens. Our goal is to ensure you still have access to everything you need for a successful beekeeping season!

Beekeeping in the Wild West

Camp Feeder for Winter feeding

OA dribble mite treatment

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